Welcome to a Comprehensive Educational Experience!

With 30 years of highly effective, creative, and dedicated teaching experience in both Elementary (K-6) and Special Education, I am here to support your child to further develop strong academic skills, including executive function, through targeted instruction that includes tutorial, remedial, and hybrid sessions. Furthermore, I am here to serve as an educational consultant and advocate for parents and guardians to solidify their understanding of educational pedagogy and the logistics of 504s and Individualized Education Plans. I have been an educator in four different states with varying demographics, and I look forward to working with you and/or your child to further everyone’s educational knowledge.

Welcome to Elementary and Special Education Tutoring Services


Tutoring Sessions include remedial, tutorial, or a hybrid model depending on each child’s needs. Sessions can be remote or in-person.

Whether your child needs support in content areas, self-advocacy, anxiety management around school work, challenging critical thinking skills, organization, or test prep, as a veteran educator of 30 years, I am here to offer my expertise to develop students’ educational experiences.

Embark on Executive Functioning Services and Development


For students who have difficulty initiating school assignments, including study habits, project development and completion, and overall organizational skills. Ideally suited for students with a 504 or IEP.

Know Your Child’s Rights and Become More Familiar with 504 and Individualized Education Plan Documents and Processes.


Unsure of exactly what your child’s educational/ behavioral evaluations are saying? Need extra support with the terminology and meaning of your child’s 504 or IEP? Let’s review these legal documents in preparation for initial, annual, or triennial reviews and meetings.

Unlock Your Child’s

Utmost Learning Potential!